The Wedding of

Jhon & Jheny

We Are Getting Married
September 11th, 2022

Thank you Lord, for the love we share, for bringing us together in the shelter of Your care, for kindness, patience, gentleness to help us live as one, and for Your presence always in the life we’ve just begun

Romeo Deo

The First Child of
Mr. Dad & Mrs. Mom

Juliet Deo

The First Child of
Mr. Dad & Mrs. Mom

“A great marriage is not when the perfect couple comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.”

-Dave Meurer-

Kisah Cinta Kita

Special Time is Coming!

When & Where

Akad Nikah


25 Desember 2022

08.00 WIB

Until End

Resepsi Pernikahan


25 Desember 2022

08.00 WIB

Until End

Moment Gallery

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It will be highly appreciated and meaningful for us If you can virtually witness this sacred moment to give blessing and prayers for us.

With Love

Romeo Deo

The First Child of
Mr. Dad & Mrs. Mom

Juliet Deo

The First Child of
Mr. Dad & Mrs. Mom

© 2022 By Team Momentoem